A Japanese Houshin Engi site. It has Yoai in it(Youzen and Taikobo) pluse manga 4 skits that are hillaries ^O^

Another English Houshin Engi site ^^ It has Yaoi content too ^^ A very well done site! Recomended to any one^^

This is a site that's all about Taikobou Suusuu. 100% Taikobou Suusuu. And its a really great site. I really love it, and the pictues are just way too cute^^ ^^Its in Japanese but you can get around it easy. Oh, Please DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT STEALING THESE PCITURES!

A site with the coolist stories!! Which one? Go and find out. Well, I dont' know you call this a Tenhatsu site or just a Tenka/Ki Hatsu friendship site. oh! It's in Japanese.

This Tenhatsu site also in Japanese has really cure stories: one espeshily about Tenshou's and his point of view of Ki Hatsu and Tenka's friendship. And Cool gallery with Digimon in it too. ^_^

A Japense site with Houshin Engi, Saiyuki, and many more anime. It does have Tenhatsu^^ And the art works is really good.

A site with just novels of Conon, Houshin, One Pice. The Houshin one has different couples with Tenka and Ki Hatsu but it mainly have Tenhatsu! ^_^ Great stories! Recomeneded.^_^

As you can see it's a Japanese Tenka/Sengyoku site! ^_^ They are my third favorte striagt couple in Houshin Engi. The stories are just plain too cute^_^ Also I like it how the site is managed by Tenshou's point of view. The gift pictuers are just way to adorible. Recomend to those non-yaoi people that can read Japanese.

Another Tenhatsu site! ^_^ Though it's in Japanese. Any way, this site not only supports Tenhatsu but also Hakayuuko/Hatsu, Tenka/Doutoku also lastly Youzen/Taikobo. Also it has other animes too. It's recomended the fanfics are just so good!! ^_^ ^_^

My sisters page just on Houshin Engi! Its really cute and good!