The T.e.a.h.o.u.s.e has a great couple fan fics! Yes, still wiht other aouthers. Some of them are sooooooooo cute!

A Twist of Fate: When Enishi meets Kaoru
Those one and few Enishi/Kaoru place. This one is good! ^_^ Even I love K+K I also love this parring a lot. ^_^ I think it's one of the first Enishi/Kaoru shrine. It's good and go there. ^_^

Finally a shrine to Tomoe! ^_^ It's good and I like it. This site defineds that Tomoe isn't bad at all. I like it a lot the lay out is cool. It's a really good page! ^_^

The shirne to Kenshin and Kaoru! ^_^ It's cool and so sweet! ^_^ This is the page where I got that one screen shot from. Full of info on K+K!^_^

She's the author of "New Era"-Rounie Kenshin, and more other fanfics^_^ Here webpage is really good! This webpage has different animes on it too! ^_^ Enjoy!

Akabeko is a really cool site and the fan fics are great too. I love it a lot! In this one fan fic Kenshin and Kaoru has a daughter! Read and find out! Plus lot's more to do there^_^

Who's the funnist charcter in Rouni Kenshin? Makimachi Misao! This site is FUNNY! I love it! It's just on Misao and have funny comic strips that the webpage aouther did! ^_^