Link: 01/02

The Complete Digicouple Link List-THE site for all of Digimon couples/character shirnes. It has all the couples you can imagine. Also its a very nice site, its just links to differenct couples and characters. A digmon couple craze fan? Or a charcter craz fan? Go there know.

Siblings of Courage and Light-The very *FIRST* Taihika shrine in America.^0^ This site gets better and better as I go there. It has both Taihika and Taichi&Hikari as just siblings.

Good Enough-One of my favorite Yamasora sites. I love her doujinshi and the layout is done very well. I love her artwork, its very well done.

|True Love|
A Michi shirne^^ It is pretty new but I like it so far, Though not STOFF>< >< I like it how it is going and can't wait to expand more, so if you are a Michi fan come and visit here^^

Rim Press
This has everything but mainly it has Digmon and the character she loves is SOra-sama. ALl about Sora-sama. This site made me in love with Sora-sama another shrine that I worship^^ ^^ This site is crazy about TaichiXSora but really loves Sora. Also DON"T STEAL HER PICTURES!!!!

Depths, Blossoms, Loneliness: Natsumi's Shrine to Jyou, Mimi & Koushiro
A shrine that litterly read my mind. It loves the traingle love of JyouXMimiXKoushriou and it can be JyouXMimi, KoushirouXMimi, and JyouXKoushirou^^ ^^ And its really a great site I love it^^ ^^ ITs cool anc really cute, please come if you love the triangle love of JyouXMimiXKoushirou or any of the three. This is Boys and Girls love friendly plus BoyXGirl love friendly too^^

Another place where all Digimon fan coulpes can enjoy, there is baiscally no couple and charater bashing here! Its a nice page and it does have anything from BoyXGirl love to Yaoi to Yuri love!^^ ^^ Recomended to every digimon fan!

Dream Love is dedicated to the couple of YamatoXSora^^ ^^ A really good site with cute fan art but the best part is the BBS. Where all the Yamasora fans unite and talk about YamatoXSora^^

A very well done Yamami shrine. I like it a lot. The webmistress sounds nice and her lay out is nice. ^_^ I think this is the best Mimito page out there. Also she's pretty opened minded too. ^_^ The best part? She likes Mimi too. ^_^ ^_^

Finally! An Koushirou/Sora shirne! ^_^ ^_^ One and only so far. It's cute and is still building. I just love it...Sora-chan and Koushirou-chan looks so sweet togehter. ^_^ Please come and visit.

Ken and Hikari?!?!? Never thought of that before?Well, here it is Ladies and Gentalmen, the very first shrine to KenxHikari ^_^ It's quite good and still growing but I really recomended to those KenxHikari fans. It is good ^_^


A Taito site with TakuerXDaisuke but but the Taito art is great. Plus it has Taito comics that are plain old GREAT^^ ^^ ALso DON'T STEAL HER PICTURES!!! IF YOU ARE ONE OF THOSE FAN ART STEALERS! Go and visit if you are a Yamato fan that loves Taito^^


A Japanese site that has both Digimon and Tantai Conan(?). The pictures are just way too cute!!! ^^ This one is a Taishirou site. The story is cute and the pictures are just way to adorible, so don't steel!

This is the first Michi site I have visited and I love her attitude, she is saying that her favoirte Michi site went down becuase of all the flames she got, but this one says she will still standing up forever^^ Also I love they way she named her site plus I'll like it how it will go^^ So come and vist if you are a Michi fan^^

This site is my worshiper. I love her works a lot. She supports, KoushirouXMimi, KenXMiyako, TaichiXSora, DaisukeXHikari, Gotomon(Tailmon)XWizerdmon, and the most favortie Sora-chan couple...TakeruXSora, she was the first one to get me hook on it and she's really nice her stories are also good. She has a nice touch on her page that I enjoy a lot ^^ Oh! Yeah, no pictuer stealling!