Harry Potter By: JK Rwoling
"He is the famouse Harry Potter..." Okay this doesn't do with ANYTHING with Anime but right now I am REALY into the series Harry Potter (Reading the fourth book now ^^) I will do LOTS I reapat LOTS of spoilers from Book three and up! SO if you hate spoilers please leave 'k? ^^ If not and all ready read the thrid book and up then plase stay ^^

The first book:Secreat of the Soccer's Stone By JK Rowing

This book is just the introduction for the first 6 chapters but the story you get hooked on! There's LOTS of comiided and Advanture! WEll writen pice and I actually loved the first book because even though the aunt and uncle they are mean and all I just laught my head off how the spoil there son. ^0^ ^0^ Plus From that series I found out my favoirte girl is Hermoni ^^

Second book: The Chamber of SEcrets. I have found my least favoirte charcter in this book, the house elf Doibe(?) "But Doibe will be cry if Harry Potter is gone, then Doibe this then doibe that." I just wanted to shout please don't say more of your name!!!!!! My hair is coming out all ready !!!!!(<-your overexadriatin!!!) Plus the Professer Luckhart *shivers* Hermonie WHY! I reapeat WHY DID YOU LIKE HIM!!!! >< >< >< Though it did have a unique twist again plus they have cleared Hargwid's name ^^ ^^ So that's happy for me^^

Thrid book: The Prizoner of Akazban My favoirte Harry Potter book so far in the seris. SO many humor, many twist, and a new cute character!! Plus Hermonie is cool! Anotehr new professer that's really cool! LEarn more about Harry PaRents! Their deaths and Vermomet! More about magic, more about this and that! Sirus Black I was so happy that I found out you were a good guy and Harry's God-father!!! ^^ ^^ You are just way too cute and cool! ^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ Sorry way over excited and all.

THe fourth book: Secreat of the Goblits Fire(?) I'm reading that book right now so can't tell any information.

Favoirte Characters in Harry Potter:

Girl: Hermonie! Cho! ^^
Guys: Lee JOrden! Weasly Twins! Sirus Black!
Professer: Luprin and Sanpe, I have no reason why I like him just a little he does care for about his students in my opinion ^^, Mad-eyed moody!
Magic: Transfusion
Couples: HermonieXRon, LilyXJames, and HermonieXDraco ^^
Yaoi: I havn't found any yet but the idea of RonXHarry sounds preety cool ^^

Lease Favoirte Characters

Girl: those girls that dance at teh Quedich World Championship.
Guys: That gets on my nerves, Duobie.
Professer: Lockhart!!!!!! and that creepy ledy that tells the future.
Magic: None yet
Couples: None yet.

What you want to see in Harry Potter?
That Harry goes and lives with Sirus and to hunt his aunt and uncle ^^ Also figure out why did Vermon killed his parents!? I'm still pounding at that question!

Weriod theory.

Don't call me Dambador fans...I think he is the Verdomont guy. I have no reason why well kind of here are my conclusions why I think that and hopefully I am wrong.

1. The books stats that Verdomont is afried of Dambador, well who else can be afrid other then himself?
2. He is tring to butter up Harry.
3. He is the only one that trusts in harry's story EX: Sirus being innoncent ^^
I will come up more for letter but those three why I think that. Help me and PLESE be wrong!!!