:Yagami Taichi. A leader, really have a big sister complex...too big. At first I didn't like him or I didn't like "Tai" but after seeing the original "Taichi" I started to think him totally differently. He is an okay character and very strong.

Coupling with Taichi: Hikari , Koushirou, Yamato, Mimi, and a crush on Sora.

: Ishida Yamato. Here most of you would this is what I would say. "I LOOOOVE YAMATO~!!" *barf* nope. Instead I dislike him. He has a humongous Brother complex! That's the good part. Though he gets too depressed!! He gets depressed like every other episode. (Okay I might be a tad over exaggerating) and that's the side of me that I hate. He gets on my nerves. Though the Japanese version they are some parts that I get my hart warm up, but still no; I hate him. Though he does look very girly -_-'

Coupling with Yamato: Taichi, Koushirou, Sora, Takeru, and Jyou-senpai.

:Takeshi Takeru: One of the CUTEST Character of the WHOLE series!! Love love Takeru~~. He is adorable; he does have a brother complex but a cute one!! He is the angel. The cutest one alive. You are really different from your brother. Love Takeru~^^

Coupling with Takeru: Yamato, Sora, and Hikari

: Izumi Koushirou: My favorite guy Digimon character. He is obsessed with computers and his pc. But in the original version he is so polite and just plain old polite. He would treat you like a princess when you go out with him!!^^ I just love that little red hair guy~~. Koushirou han~~^^ In the original his voice is just so adorable!! And his SAD past of being adopted! I loved how he found out that you could love some one even though they are not related! ^^ Though he does have this girly look on him..-_-'

Coupling with Koushirou: All the guys of Digimon (except Takeru, his dad, and Yamato's dad), Mimi, and tad of Hikari.

: Kido Jyou: At first I thought he was dork. Though as the story progressed, he became a real "senpai" *Senpai-upperclass man." Especially what he stayed with Mimi-chan saved Takeru-kun TWICE! And went to find Yamato. He really became the real Jyou-senapi~~^^ in the original he also stated that Taichi was the real leader. Well Taichi is, but to me Jyou-senpai is the reasoned of the whole group. Also he is not ALERGIC to everything. He is just a tad of afraid of blood.

Coupling with Jyou: Yamato, Koushirou, Mimi, and Sora.

: Takenouchi Sora: My favorite character of the whole Digimon Adventure Series! She is some one that I can never be; I really look up to her. You see, I can't be everyone's older sister. I'm not calm but Sora is. She is just some one that I can never be. Also I know in the dub version Sora is a "Tai-crazy" person, though in the original she isn't. She looks over EVERYONE, and she doesn't concentrate on one person. I just can't be Sora-sama, and I think that's the main reason why I look up to her. She's a goal how I wish to grow up. A calm older sister like person. Also she's a cute person.

Coupling with Sora: ANY ONE! Though my fav are: Takeru, Yamato, Mimi, and Hikari.

: Tachikawa Mimi: In 01 I relate to her the most. She's innocent and protective like me. I know I'm protective from the things in the world. Also how she complains well that reminds me of too. Hey if I was stuck in a another world I would be saying "I want to go home~!" Though I really like how she grew up and notices the things of the world how it never is 'perfect'. The dub version Mimi makes me sickening; she's not a dumb-cheerleader person. She's just a protective soul. So yeah, I like Mimi and I know they are very few Sora fans that like Mimi, and Mimi fans that like Sora. In the first series I am Mimi. She is very pretty^^

Couple: Koushirou, Jyou-senpai, Taichi, Sora.

: Yagami Hikari: Actually she was the first Digimon Adventure girl that I liked. In the first series, she is the "fushigi Soujou" or "Mystical Girl" is what most people labeled her in Japan. Most say that she has no personality for the American. But she is a mystical Girl, like in episode 21 "Home away from Home" she is eight and knew about Koromon when her brother complete forgotten about when he first saw Koromon. She is a mystical girl that no one really knows. The only person that can make her actually normal is her older brother, which she has another strong complex towards him...Taichi. Yagami Hikari is a VERY interesting character and she is a truly a mystical girl.

Coupling: Taichi, Takeru, Sora, and tad of Koushirou.