I have updated: My main page. The Jibberish is just Japanese telling them that's this is an American language main site but I do read/write in Japanese. My second main page is updated^^ Very clean right^^ My misolanice page is also updated, and I FINALLY GOT A BBS! Please go and write in it^^ Lastly updated my link page with all the back ground I got. Its a souzai page. And that's that. All most done with my big revamp update!
PS. Niagra falls was really fun^^

Anime:Digimon, Yuu Yuu Hokushou, and Rounie Kenshin
Manga:Detective Conon, DNAngle, and Rounie Kenshin.
Male Character(s): Uramashi Yuusuke-sama(YYH), Taikobou Suusuu(HE), Himura Kenshin(RK),Daisuke-Koushiroiu-Ken(all digi), Hani Daisuke(DNA angel), Kudo Shinichi(Connan)
Femeal Character(s):Sora-sama!!!(digi),Miyako-Mimi-Hikari(digi), Haibara Ai(Connan), and Ayumi(Connan)
Couplings:YuusukeXKeiko, SoraXTakaru, Koushirou-sou-uke, TakeruXMiyako, Daiken, KenXMiyako
BBF characters(best friends forever): Ai and Aymi, Takeru and Hikari, Taichi and Sora, All the Digimon and their partners, Yuusuke and Keiko, Miyako and Hikari, Daisuke and Ken, and Takeru and Daisuke.
Copule:YUUKEI ALL THE WAY~^^ also SoraXTakeru is still 100% in me^^
BBF: Ai and Ayumi from Connan if any one can find any fanfiction or a site dedicated to them please tell me~!! Or even a domei! Movie Watched:some kind of movie with my friends today frogot.
Hobby: running, computer, and sleeping...slepping...^^
Project: Shousatsu/Kiriban/my other pages!
7.9.2001: Three more days to my sweet 16th b-day^^ Yeah~^^ So so happy maybe I can drive^^ So nerves about my licenses. Okay any who, yes the front page with the banners, I would fix that latter, and just added a new domei which character I kiss the most, yes I kiss Yuusuke-sama the post on my posters but dream about Yuukei kissing.(<-she's INSANE!!!)well thank you. Yeah just added a domie, and "suki suki Izumi-kun club" is shutting down so took that down too. Yeah a small update.

Anime:Digimon, Yuu Yuu Hokushou, and Rounie Kenshin
Manga:Detective Conon, Saiyuki, and Gravitation.
Male Character(s): Uramashi Yuusuke-sama(YYH), Taikobou Suusuu(HE), Himura Kenshin(RK),Daisuke-Koushiroiu-Ken(all digi), Hani Daisuke(DNA angel), Kudo Shinichi(Connan), Son Goku(Siayuki)
Femeal Character(s):Sora-sama!!!(digi),Miyako-mimi-Hikari(digi), Haibara Ai(Connan), and Ayumi(Connan)
Couplings:YuusukeXKeiko, SoraXTakaru, Koushirou-sou-uke, TakeruXMiyako, Daiken, KenXMiyako, and SoraXHikari
BBF characters(best friends forever): Ai and Aymi, Takeru and Hikari, Taichi and Sora, All the Digimon and their partners, Yuusuke and Keiko, and Fuugenn and Taikobou, Sora and Mimi, Mimi and Miyako, Miyako and Hikari, Daisuke and Ken, Takeru and Daisuke.
Copule:YUUKEI ALL THE WAY~^^ also SoraXTakeru is still 100% in me^^
BBF: Ai and Ayumi from Connan if any one can find any fanfiction or a site dedicated to them please tell me~!! Or even a domei! Movie Watched:some kind of movie with my friends today frogot.
Hobby: running, computer, and sleeping...slepping...^^
7.1.2001: Hola~^^ No, I'm not in Mexico still in USA...sigh..need to go some where! THough can't complain since I already went to Japan. Though by end of July I get to go to Nagra Falls^^ Oh yeah the updates, well the Kuriban section has been updated today. That's it yeah I did a micro one. Though next time I promice you a bigger one. A WHOLE lot bigger one. Well, that's that. Here's my favorites thing again^^

Anime:Digimon and Yuu Yuu Hokushou
Manga:Kimi wa Aozora no shita in Iru and Detective Conon
Male Character(s): Uramashi Yuusuke-sama(YYH), Taikobou Suusuu(HE), Himura Kenshin(RK),Daisuke-Koushiroiu-Ken(all digi), Hani Daisuke(DNA angel), Kudo Shinichi(Connan)
Femeal Character(s):Sora-sama!!!(digi),Miyako-mimi-Hikari(digi)
Couplings:YuusukeXKeiko, SoraXTakaru, Koushirou-sou-uke, TakeruXMiyako, Daiken, KenXMiyako, and SoraXHikari
BBF characters(best friends forever): Ai and Aymi, Takeru and Hikari, Taichi and Sora, All the Digimon and their partners, Yuusuke and Keiko, and Fuugenn and Taikobou.
Copule:YUUKEI ALL THE WAY~^^ also SoraXTakeru is still 100% in me^^
Movie Watched:Animal(My friends forced me to see it. Once was enough yes I laughed though not my fav.) Shreck(It was good! The muffin Man! Yeah it made me laugh on the Muffin Man section.) A.I.(Cried. Cried. good, the acting was surperv. Cried again, cried. Once was enough)
Hobby: running, computer, and sleeping...slepping...^^

6.9/10.2001: Well, its midnight on the 10th and I started about 10:45 on the ninth. Okay well did a mintur updatting. Just the ones that were bothering me that I just had to update it. Okay as we noticed the front page has change well, I'm trying to get this really good look but it's been a pain to get it. So please live with that for awhile. The Kiriban section has been updated and the main page as only been updated today. Also its Summer vacation~!!!(Okay it started on the 6th and was finished with finals I didn't have the bare energy to update..-_-') Though I have summer school...(American Government, all the past years when I took that course in Jr.High and a little in elementry, I have STRONGLY disliked it.) Also summer running^^ from 7-8:30 AM^^ Plus baby sitting, and a socile life I can update still^^I am going to do something really different know. After each update or two I'm going to put down on the bottom of the page what I'm obssesed right know^^ Enjoy~! I would post the past updates latter.
Anime:Digimon and Yuu Yuu HOkushou
Manga:DNA angle and Detective Conon
Male Character(s): Uramashi Yuusuke-sama(YYH), Taikobou Suusuu(HE), Himura Kenshin(RK),Daisuke-Koushiroiu-Ken(all digi), Hani Daisuke(DNA angel)
Femeal Character(s):Sora-sama!!!(digi),Miyako-mimi-Hikari(digi)
Couplings:YuusukeXKeiko, SoraXTakaru, Koushirou-sou-uke, TakeruXMiyako, Daiken, KenXMiyako.

5.21.2001: hiya I'm back^^ How was everyone? Okay I have updated my Quack-Quack page^^ So that's all okay and as you noticed did some remodling of my main page. I'm trying to figure out any way to enjoy my page or a statement of it..so that's my goal right know^^ And taht's that. So hopefully see you soon^^

5.18.2001: Kownichiwa!^^ ^^ Hisashiburi^^ How are you all doing? I'm doing fine, hmm lets see okay I deleted my "Peaches Shrine" and "JyouKou arward" one didn't have have time too and not my hits on them, plus lousing interest in them>< >< Though still have my "Does it matter" shirne up. ANd that has been updated today^^, lets see I started Kiribann so if you are hit number 7777 please conact me^^ well see you guise letter on tommrow or thie weekend. (Only 70% more to go and finish updatting my page^^)

4.16.2001: I'm back from Japan like TWO weeks ago^^ It was really fun I rode the rawshack. IT was really cool^^ ^^ ^^ Well I wanted this to be a major update that I updated all my pages but didn't have time. *I do have a life...*So This update made me finished 20% What i wanted to do. I updated my Link page with new links plus deleted the old ones that doesn't update any more>< >< Seconldy, I'm into a new clique, or Domei its clalled "The Danger!" Its for supporting heroine or girls thats always gets bashed. You now who I will pick *sora-sama!!*^^ ^^ Then I updated my Fan fiction site. Sorry that I only could update my stoires,*Takeru and Hikari* Part one is up^^ ^^ There are three stories I deleted, it was by accedent I will have those back up soon as possible. ^^ ^^ That's about it. I had a great time hopefully I can update sooner^^ ^^ ^^

3.17.2001: Happy St. Patrics day^^ ^^ well I only have time to update "Does it matter" for 1.I'm going to be very busy until school is out*early June* since I have outdoor track starting soon, and I have that every single day plus meets. 2. I'm going to Anime Central(A-con) with a group of my friends(I'm going out as Sora-sama from Digimon) and since I need to make that HAT of sora's so I will be very busy. 3) My favorite thing is coming over spring breack is that I'm going to Japan^^ ^^ Over the time so I will be busy but might update a little tell you guise how I like it over there^^ ^^ 4)Couple of words. Teachers, projects, and Finals so up school will be busy. So sorry I didn't update at all and lastly you see I'm learnining how to drive now so I want to concertrate on 1)School (obviousely)2.Driving(need watch out) 3. Track/running(need to be in shape!!) 4. A-con so I hopefully see you guise around^^

2.24.2001: Lets see Finished my Onagai series, uploded half of my "Takeru and Hikari" story, also added a new fan fiction from Shell-sama, and what else..hmmm my Misc. section updated^^ So that and my fan fiction was my main part today^^

2.10.2001: Dantara dannnnnnn!!! *music in the back ground* okay I have updated two weeks in the row!^^ YES!!! I'm so happy well the updates is that I moved my domeis to a different page. So you all can have a nice time going to my site nicer. Also my "Does it matter" site has updated^^ I have put in my diary there^^ and caught more bishoujo and Bishomen today well that's that see ya^^

2.3/4.2001: Updated my "Does it matter", "Peaches", and "Quack-Quack" Pelase enjoy^^

1.15.2001: Just the Main page and that's it^^

1.14.2001: Updated my Fanfiction page which is 100% cleaner...and updated my Quack-Quack page with a interview of my oneechan, Manami and that's all have a great day and FINALS ARE OVER SO jakie is very happy^^

1.10.2001: MARRY BELATED CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR^^ then the news: Hi, first off, sorry I didn't wrote down what I updated on the 22nd, I think It was another domei. Today I have updated the gallery section. I deleted all those screen captures/Manga Scans from it the only thing left is my Art work and couple of hits art by me...(It toattly sucks there but it'll get better...soon...hopefully...-_-') Also I have caught more Bishouned and Bishoujou and sepreated those two collums so when I update it'll be eiser on those. So my Missolince Page is updated. I have finals so this was the only time I can update my page but Tommrow is my last day so after those I can update even more. PLEASE bare with me that my site will look crappy for couple of more mounths. Thank you and have a good day.

12.16.2000: Put on new Domei's up ^^(JyouXMimi and Koushriou Love love one ^^ and TO SUPPORT THE KENSHINXKAORU Relationship!) if you support KenshinXKarou please click on hte picture of KenshinXKarou on my main page and sign up ^^ Also I have updated my quack-quack on Harry Potter ^^ See you all on christmas ^^

12.03.2000: VERY EARLY IN THE MORNING(1:55 AM)Well, I'm 3/4 done with my Jyoushriou Fanfic award section. My eyes are tired that's why I just did 3/4 by end of next week I will have all of it done ^^ ^^ That's about it for tonight just working on my Jyoushirou section

11.26.2000: I have doing some updates here and there just didn't record them ^^, well I have in couple of new cliques: I support Shinji Ikari ^^, announcing I'm a Sora fan, I'm in the Koumi domei ^^, and I respect all shipers ^^(it means that I respect other couples out there ^______^), and I'm "falling in love" with Yuusuke and Keiko("does it matter"). like my new layout of my front page ^^ I'm going to do that to the others by christmas so some pages might look not ready *Jyoushirou readers choice award* I will be done before christmas day^^ and couple of new links in the Digi section ^^ Thats it and have a fun week^^

11.12.2000: Its midile of the night and tired..*yawn* I'm in one new Domei(fan club) and posted a support of Kensuke ^^ lastly, added a fan fic in the Onagai series of "Taichi." And have added 3 new links most of them are couple shrines ^^

11.03.2000: A BIG UPDATE!!! Start with the linksection. I have chaged the background color and put 2 pages in my Digimon Link section. Updated my "Manami Pic of the Week" ^^,added the new shrine I'm building "2 Youkies and 2 Angels: Yuusuke/Keiko and Kurama/Botan shrine" I have a little update in my "Peaches" section. Also my Quack-Quack been updated too ^^, the fan fiction section was updated like a week ago. A new fic by:Kari Kamiya-san. ^^ I'm in a new Domie an "Takeru_Sora" domei ^^ Updated my Jyoushirou fanfiction readers choice award ^^

10.14.2000: Updated Peaches today ^_^ New thing to vote on on my origanl poll *what's the best name for Taikobo* and whose the best for Taikobo in my opinion ^_^ Added one other fic of Crystal Water-san, Two new fics by me! ^_^ The Onagai one and the Takeru and Hikari Aultinate Universe story ^_^. A new link in the Digimon section. Fixed up all the links today. Just the lay out...

10.13.2000: Friday the 13th becareful ladies and Gentalmen ^_^(A joke)Well, today for the updates I have added two new fics by Crystal Water-san. They are Takeru_hikari or Takari fics ^_^ They are good and please go and read them ^_^

10.12.2000: LARGE UP DATE IN THE LINK SECTION!Okay, more in the Digimon section but I got I think 5 new links in the Digi-section. Since I think the linage was getting too big and banners were every where I decided to spererate into two section. One is Character Shrines:Or other not character shrine but close enough. Second one is Couple Shrine. Hope made it eaiser. Laslty on the Link section, I have made the banner to the smallest-largest. Next, is that I caught new Bishomen and Bishoujou ^_^ ^_^Laslty, I'm into two new webrings: Another Takeru/Hikari link and Ken/Daisuke webring ^_^

10.9.2000: Two days in a row of updates ^0^. Okay, first I updated my Missolince pagea and quack-quack ^_^ Also I added a new fan fic so please enjyou ^_^
10.8.2000: Well, this time for sure I like how my front page looks like ^_^ Nice clean and easy to get around. *hopefully* well, updated the Jyoushirou/Koujyou fanficiton award section. So please nominate ^_^

10.1.2000: I'm adding the Jyoushioru/Koujyou fanfiction readers award. So please nominate! Also I'll be working on that section for a very long while so the other sites might have little update but not much. oh! I also updated Peaches

9.24.2000: Changed the color on my link page. Added a new link in Misolincess, caugth couple of Bishomen, got on the Tenhatsu and Taikobo webring ^_^, lastly, I'm going to make a Jyoushirou or Koujouy award Fanfics, also going to make a Yuusuke/Keiko and Kurama/Botan shrine soon ^_^

9.15.2000: Did LOTS of Webring updatting today. Well, lets start with I'm hopping to get on to couple of Houshin Engi webrings for Peaches(Taikobo Suusuu shrine)and also hopping to get on the Tenhatsu/Hatsuten webring. Also fix some links ^_^

9.4.2000: Added a webring in my front/webring section. It's a Takeru/Hikari webring. ^_^

9.3.2000: Well, I have added like a warining page at the begging and a new page here, so I hope and think it'll be eaiser. Lastly, I just made another Quack-Quack today. ^_^

8.26.2000: Added a new link in my Misoolence page and a new one in my Rounie Kenshin one. Added two new pics in my Taikobo Suusuu Gallary in his shrine^_^

8.25.2000: Nothing else to do, so I updated couple of new links in my digi page. Most of them are Sora shrine, one Mimto, and one Koushirou/Sora. Added a different site to manage "manami's pic of the week", list all the fics I'm going to work on on my fics page, and a new Quack-Quack.

8.20.2000: Added a new fic, a new Banner, and a new Quack-Quack.

8.17.2000: Adobted a Tsunomon~!^_^ Fix it more latter no time know. Moved my award to my misolines page. Also school is going to start VERY SOON!!! So I'll be busy plus I'm doing a sport. Maybe only updates I'm going to do our 1-2 times a month. That's just a warning. Thankx and have a fun, restful summer vaction to you all~!!!!^_^

8.16.2000: Added the "Story" in my Chayo page for Charming.

8.14.2000: Put up a Taikobo Suusuu Galary on my Taikobo Suusuu shrine! ^_^

8.11.2000: Added two more webrings also got an award form Bluebotan couple of days ago. Put up my Taikobo Shirne. Laslty, finished my 8/9 Quack-Quack

8.9.2000: Added a fan fic, 7 new links in the Houshin Engi one, one in the "Slayers" or missolince one, and 2 in the Digimon one.

7.24.2000: Added a new link in the new digimon section. Maybe add a new Houshin Engi one this week?Sorry no Quack-Quack today.

7.20.2000:Added two new links! ^_^. One in my Houshin Engi one and the other is in the Digimon one.

7.13.2000: My link page is finally done!^_^ Added two new links in Houshin Engi and a new link in Slayers.(It's not a slayers link, but I decided that I just put in all the MISC. links in to that page.)

7.10.2000:Big update!!! Did tons of change around the Gallary section, page 1 and 2. Also added two new links in Rounie Kenshin area! ^_^ Put all the manga section of: Nakayoshi, Ribon,Jump, and Chayo to a different page. It's all linked at the bottom. So the front page will be eaiser to run. ^_^ I hope that will make it a lot eaiser. That's it for today.

7.5.2000: Added one new Digimon link. Also I got a Digimon Couple supporting page! ^_^ Futuring my fav. couples on Digimon.

7.4.2000: Added 3 new Digimon Links!!^_^ Also fianally did something on my QUACK'S PAGE!!^_^ Happy B-day USA!!

7.2.2000: Added 5 different digimon links~!! ^_^ And added some banners to the old ones.

6.28.2000: Two new Digimon links and moved my song fics(Roinie Kenshin one and Houshin Enig one) to "shall we dance." Lastly did things around the Links page.

6.25.2000: Do a re-work on my fan fiction page. Deleted some fics. Found the cause for the 'Debug.'Lastly, worked on my "Ribon" Page, only on Kamikaza Kaitou Janne, only the intro done.

6.24.2000: Added in three webrings contains all Digimon Yaoi. Added two new fics. Finshied "I love you forever" the last chapter is up. Also Best Friend Forever a takeru/Hikari story is up. ^_^

6.23.2000: Put up three new fics! The second part of 'I love you forever' a Taihika of 'Finally, I have told you' and lastly a Tenhatsu one of 'Nightmares.' Please enjoy! ^_^

6.20.2000: Added something on Jakie's Quack-Quack page my fav. couples! ^_^ They are the top 20! ^_^

6.18.2000:Happy Fathers Day to all the fathers. On the Links page, with one new Digimon link and three new Yuu Yuu Hokushou Links.

6.12.2000: Major up dates on the Gallary!!^_^ and did my Quack-Quack page!

6.4.2000: Let see, I added new fics, which are Yaoi^_^, and I have alos up loded Jakie's Quack-Quack which allowes me to just babble all I want to! ^_^

5.19.2000: All most, tottally re do my Links page, easyer to up loud and get around, a new fan fic "Confession", earsed 'LWAF' and 'Anime Award Show' and added a page for my "adobted Pickachu and Jiggly Puff","Koibitou Taikobo", and the sighn which I support.

4.22.00: Just added some more links on the Digimon part and earsed Houshin Engi Univese since it doesn't up date anymore.>_<

4.08.00: HOLA! I'm back!! Wahahahahah!!! Nothing much just added put some pictures up on my Nakayoshi page.

3.27.00: Moved my Fanfic "Dance"to a different page, and changed the title to "Shall We Dance?"

3.24.00: FINALLY MY RIBON AND MY CHOUO PAGE IS UP! Thank you! Thank you! Since it's spring breack expect more updates! Thank you and Thank you!Moved my 1800hits pic to my fan arts page.

3.9.00: Thanks for 1800+ hits! ^_^

3.5.00: Added three more links on my links page. And changed my into.

3.2.00: Just added an intro on the front page.

2.25.00: Changed background, also I did some picutes graphics to my e-mail.

2.20.00: Got the Pictures for Jump,Chaou,Ribon, and Nakayoshi~! ^_^

2.19.00: Changed my Link page to different section of each series.

2.11.00: I added the pictures for Jump/Ribon/Nakayoshi/Chaou. Also a new background for Valantines day.

2.5.00: A major up date~! I have three sections of different manga's I like. The series are broke into the four manga magazine's. Jump/Ribon/Nakayoshi/Chaou.

1.15.2000:Put up Anime Awards show on this page.

1.10.2000:I changed my e-mail.

1.08.2000:Sorry for the LONG dealy on updating. I added a new fan fic form Kimee-san's "A Date with Hiei", have my anime awards show up. Also, I won't updating that much becasue it's end of my eight grade year, and I got to get ready for High School pluse I'm on the Basketball team and I have home work and Projects to work on.

12.27.99: Moved my fan fix to a different page.

12.25.99: Merry Chirstmas! First, I moved my Kobito link to my link's page, second, I have adopted two Pokemon! ^_^, moved my webrings to a different page.

12.22.99: Added a new link.

12.21.99: Added a new link, and added music to my Anime Awards Show.

12.19.99: A different webring, Added a picture on Fanart/Magna Scans page. And did some corrections on LWAF.

12.18.99(moved my 1,000 hit pictures to my fan art page.)

12.14.99(Wai! Wai there has been 1000 hits on my webpage^_^. The updates are, added Yu-chan's Up for Grabes and added a picture(old banner) to my fan arts/manga scans page.)