Up Dates:

3.25.02: Added one new link, in the Digimon Adventure section. A Taihika shrine^^ Go and visit if you are a fan~^^ 2.01.02
More with couple supprot and a new link banner. Also I have put my "dairy" some where on my main page, try to find it^^. Also added couple of links and finally fixed couple of them.

1.31.02 Yes! Finally an update! Okay first off I have finally updated my Kiriban section. Again, so sorry Lilly-sama taking such a long time><. Also I have updated my link section, added teh FRIENDS links and more of Yuu Yuu Hokoushou Links. Lets see, I have also updated my Doumei section three new ones^^: Daisuke Company(Daisuke liking doumei), Digimon Adventure girls.(Like the girls on the show.), and a banner saying that I actually liked the last episode of 02. Finally, I have even updated my missolanice section for catching a bishonen and more of Digimon. In addition, I think you noticed changing of my website name becuase I got sick and tired of "Jakie's Anime World." ooooo, how original.(sarcastically.) so I changed to Promiced*Sprit. I like that better. Well that's it and maybe and hopefully I can update even better and more!^^

Hi, I hope people had a good holiday and enjoying winter brack. Today was just simple this. I have revemped my "Quack-quack Page." and my "Misolince Page." Its in different catagorise so it will look neater and I have updated in the anime section of QUACK-QUACK two new Digimon things and a new section called "FRIENDS", obviously a section for my new obsession FRIENDS.^^ That is all, very tired too night, and soon and how I'll figure it out to make a new lay out.

Anime:Digimon Adventure
Manga:Detective Cononn
Male Character(s): Uramashi Yuusuke-sama(YYH), Taikobou Suusuu(HE), Himura Kenshin(RK),Daisuke-Koushiroiu-Ken(all digi), Kudo Shinichi(Connan), and Chandler Bing(FRIENDS)
Femeal Character(s):Sora-sama!!!(digi),Miyako-Mimi-Hikari(digi), Pheobe Buffey(friends), and all teh Detective Cononn girls.
Couplings:YuusukeXKeiko, SoraXTakaru, Koushirou-sou-uke,DaikenMiya, WizerdmonXTailmon, Chandler&Monica, Chandler&Ross, Chandler&Joey. BBF characters(best friends forever): Ai and Aymi, Takeru and Hikari, Taichi and Sora, All the Digimon and their partners, Yuusuke and Keiko, Miyako and Hikari, Daisuke and Ken, Takeru and Daisuke, Joey&Chandler, All FRIENDS characters, Joey&Pheobe, and Iori and Ken.

Sorry, for not updatting for EVER!!! I was very busy and some days I didn't fell like updatting. Well, guess what I will update soon tonight. I just getting started, so far I have got the "Domei" section updated again. Though not anime this time its for "RonXHermonie" Domei in Japan^^ Yes! Its a major coupling over there and that makes me very happy^^. Also I joined another domei, its American called "True Love." Chandler&Monica cliqe. Yes, right know I'm really into FRIENDS. Its one of the best shows and I really love it. ^^ So I joined it since CHandler&Monica is my favoirte coupling.

Anime:Digimon and Yuu Yuu Hokushou
Manga:Detective Conon and Whistle
Male Character(s): Uramashi Yuusuke-sama(YYH), Taikobou Suusuu(HE), Himura Kenshin(RK),Daisuke-Koushiroiu-Ken(all digi), Kudo Shinichi(Connan), and Chandler Bing(FRIENDS)
Femeal Character(s):Sora-sama!!!(digi),Miyako-Mimi-Hikari(digi), Pheobe Bufey, Monica Geller(-Bing), and Reachel Green(all friends)
Couplings:YuusukeXKeiko, SoraXTakaru, Koushirou-sou-uke,DaikenMiya, WizerdmonXTailmon, Chandler&Monica, Chandler&Ross, Chandler&Joey. BBF characters(best friends forever): Ai and Aymi, Takeru and Hikari, Taichi and Sora, All the Digimon and their partners, Yuusuke and Keiko, Miyako and Hikari, Daisuke and Ken, Takeru and Daisuke, Joey&Chandler, All FRIENDS characters, Joey&Pheobe, and Iori and Ken.

I was plaining to update my little shirnes of "does it matter" and "wings" but nope didn't have time, but updated my doumei section with a new one^^ A kenmiya allience! Love kenmiya?!?! Then join!!^^ ^^ Yes, I am proud to be a supporter of those two coupling, and so what. I'm glad they gotten married and their middle child and Daisuke's son would be together!!(oops went on a ramping range..-_-'' sorry about that -_-') anywho that's all I have done this weekend!^^

So far I have updated my Fan Fiction page, another story from Hikari-chan's POV..god I'm writing that lot ain't I?^^ My main page is different look and I really love this one! Finally~! So I'm like 85% all most done and not in underconstruction any more! YEAH! Also, I did put my TakeruXSora Page up last night on 8/31. But since something was wrong with this page I couldn't do anything to it..-_-'. Know I can. So you can see partially what it would look like^^. Next step is "Does it matter", "Wings", then "Links". After those three major projects I can be done with construction~!^^ Well, I might update latter on today, so see ya!

I couldn't up date the majority of things I wanted too~!! Though I guess we have to wait until Labor day weekend(that's like in a week or so^^) but I have updated my Fan fiction page with a new digimon fic. Though my latest prjoects are: FINISH MY LINK PAGE! More updates on "Does it matter"! ALso working on 'Wings' plaining to be the Home page for the TakeruXSora ML! So that's about it^^

Manga:Detective Conon and Akazukin Chacha
Male Character(s): Uramashi Yuusuke-sama(YYH), Taikobou Suusuu(HE), Himura Kenshin(RK),Daisuke-Koushiroiu-Ken(all digi), Hani Daisuke(DNA angel), Kudo Shinichi(Connan)
Femeal Character(s):Sora-sama!!!(digi),Miyako-Mimi-Hikari(digi), Haibara Ai(Connan), and Ayumi(Connan)
Couplings:YuusukeXKeiko, SoraXTakaru, Koushirou-sou-uke, TakeruXMiyako, Daiken, KenMiya, PopieXChacha, and RiyaXChacha
BBF characters(best friends forever): Ai and Aymi, Takeru and Hikari, Taichi and Sora, All the Digimon and their partners, Yuusuke and Keiko, Miyako and Hikari, Daisuke and Ken, and Takeru and Daisuke.

8.16.20001: okay I was on vacation for the past week, so couldn't update before Cross Country practice started. Which means..I CAN'T DO BIG UPDATES DURING THE SEASON!!>< >< I would try to do little ones..-_-', well, I'm going on a camping trip tommrow with Cross Country at 8:00AM, but have the team pictures at 7:30, and its about 11:30..-_-' go to sleep! Though I have updated my Domei section with and its a Kouhika(KoushirouXHikari)domei! And sighn up on this Jr.Kokumei(The Digidestent Kids Kokumei..THEY ARE SO CUTE!!~*sigh*) and the kiriban section. I moved the Kiribans that I have gotten to that page!^^

Manga:Detective Conon and Akazukin Chacha
Male Character(s): Uramashi Yuusuke-sama(YYH), Taikobou Suusuu(HE), Himura Kenshin(RK),Daisuke-Koushiroiu-Ken(all digi), Hani Daisuke(DNA angel), Kudo Shinichi(Connan)
Femeal Character(s):Sora-sama!!!(digi),Miyako-Mimi-Hikari(digi), Haibara Ai(Connan), and Ayumi(Connan)
Couplings:YuusukeXKeiko, SoraXTakaru, Koushirou-sou-uke, TakeruXMiyako, Daiken, KenXMiyako
BBF characters(best friends forever): Ai and Aymi, Takeru and Hikari, Taichi and Sora, All the Digimon and their partners, Yuusuke and Keiko, Miyako and Hikari, Daisuke and Ken, and Takeru and Daisuke.

Past updates